Twitter monetized account with Total 5.2k Organic Followers - 2400+ blue badge Followers
1 шт.
42 920,00 руб.
Мин.заказ: 1 шт.
Куплено: 51 раз
Twitter monetized account with 5.2k Organic Followers 2400+ Followers from them are blue badge Verified.
Account's username: @Hania_butt7
- 5.2k Organic Followers
- 2400+ Followers ( from 5200 Followers) are blue badge Verified.
- 6k+ Active Posts
- Premium verifyed has a blue badge.
- Created on 2023
- High Qualiy Email Verifyed
- High Qualiy Phone Number Verifyed
- No Shadow Ban (Rank on Top Search)
- Personal Niche
- Daily Activity (Posts, Likes, Retweets & Comments)
- 2 FA and Backup code included
- Accounts are with OG Email ( Outlook or Gmail with a Recovery mail)
- Stripe linked For reciving Payouts from Twitter
- You can remove mine Stripe And add your Stripe for reciving Payouts ( If you need help for this I am here to help )
- Payout Recived 2 Times, Stll in track for payouts.
- Customer Supports on Working hours
Best Quality Guaranteed!
Login;password;mail;mail pass;recovery mail:2 FA:Backup Code